1)Sign in to your MetaMask wallet by clicking on the Fox icon in the upper righthand corner and make sure you are on the Mumbai Network. If you have not configured this, please visit the platform to switch networks - https://staging-app.selfient.xyz/ or if you run into issues, please configure it manually by following the previous steps in the guide "Configuring The Polygin Mumbai Network To Your Wallet."
1A) Please note: if you don’t see the icon it may be located in the extensions section and can be found by clicking on the puzzle piece icon.
2) View Your Assets and Click "Import Tokens"
3) Mock USDC - Import the following token address into the "Token Contract Address" field to complete the import: 0xf744A858dcDfcebf7EDB599A0d5184187D9bF3E6
3A) Mock wETH - Import the following token address into the "Token Contract Address" field to complete the import: 0xfDEC1ac9C5Ec3d2B3e15a9d8d13357Fc8b9Fd7c9
4)Complete Token Import (Same for both Mock USDC & Mock wETH)
5) We have already airdropped the MockUSD tokens into your wallet and you should see the MockUSDC ($MUSDC)/ Mock wETH under your "Assets."
Inside your MetaMask wallet click on "Assets" and then click "Import Tokens"
Enter the token (MUSDC) contract address (0xf744A858dcDfcebf7EDB599A0d5184187D9bF3E6) in the "Token contract address" field then press "Next"
Enter the token (MwETH) contract address (0xfDEC1ac9C5Ec3d2B3e15a9d8d13357Fc8b9Fd7c9) in the "Token contract address" field then press "Next"
After inputting the Token Address, your wallet will ask you to finalize the import by clicking 'Import.
Mock wETH
You will see the MUSDC located in your wallet after you complete the steps for the token import.
You will see the MwETH located in your wallet after you complete the steps for the token import.