The Smart Employment Agreement Wizard
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Among the problems that continue to plague the gig economy, we hope to alleviate some of these pain points with our initial tool-The Smart Employment Agreement (SEA) Wizard.
The SEA Wizard is a protocol built on the Polygon chain that enables individuals conducting an employment or business agreement to create, build, and deploy user-friendly, no-code, and enforceable smart contracts to finalize their deals on-chain.
The SEA Wizard is an elemental building block to Web3. It all starts with a smart contract, and Selfient’s Smart Employment Agreement (SEA) Wizard will enable non-technical users to create binding, no-code, enforceable smart contracts without a centralized authority.
Imagine DocuSign and Venmo combined into a simple protocol that can both establish and enforce the terms of a contract as well as facilitate proper payments for work performed.
Our goal is to make Selfient into the de facto industry standard for services and employment exchange, as well as many other forms of transactions for which there is currently no easy way to reduce to a smart contract.
The (SEA) Wizard currently supports two currency types -
wETH - for those interested in the speculative aspect, wETH enables them to receive payments in Ethereum.
USDC - for those that wish to receive a more stable currency type.