Creating an Agreement using the Date Picker

1. After clicking "New Agreement," fill out the Contract Title, Brief, Project Category, and select the start date for your agreement.

2. After you finish creating the agreement, it will move to "In Progress/ Scheduled."

  • Please note: Although it may show as "In Progress," the agreement will not actually start until the selected date.

Some Notes:

  • The Date Picker uses the UTC timezone to start agreements. Please keep this in mind when choosing a date to begin your agreeement.

  • Agreements set to begin on a specific date will start at 12 AM UTC on the date chosen.

    • For example, if an agreement is created on January 1st but set to begin on January 3rd, the Date Picker will ensure the agreement goes live and begins on January 3rd at 12 AM UTC even if it was created on January 1st.

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